The Endeavor Family Practice Network (FPN) provides the family physicians with structure and supports to address physician and practice issues in our local area. Through eastern urban physician consultations, the FPN has identified several priorities to start with, including:

  • Implement solutions to discuss, define physician and consultant practice and referral needs, and streamline referral processes where possible.
  • Local proactive FPN recruitment and retention activities, locum sharing services, sharing of expertise, and the development of offerings to improve family physician relationships.
  • Delivery of local wellness programs for physicians and their practices, as well as providing continuing professional development programs.
  • Implementing family physician-centric communication and collaboration mechanisms to address common priorities with the Regional Health Authority (RHA).
  • Identification and development of practice support resources to facilitate increased physician and patient awareness and access to RHA community programs and services.
  • Work with the RHA to identify priority Consultant Service areas to focus on for improvement of Shared Care opportunities and patient access.

If you are interested in joining, please click here.

Continued Professional Development

We are committed to offering CPD events that address the specific needs of our members and the local community. To ensure we are meeting these needs, we invite your ideas and suggestions for future CPD events. If you have any thoughts on topics, workshops, or other learning opportunities that could benefit you and your colleagues, please reach out to us. Your input is invaluable in shaping a relevant and impactful CPD program.

Working Groups

If you’re looking to contribute to an existing working group, launch a new initiative, or need help navigating day-to-day challenges, we’re here to help you make it happen. Whether you have a specific project in mind or want to explore new ideas, we provide the resources and support to bring your vision to life and drive positive change in our community.

If you are interested in keeping up to date on future opportunities, please complete the Membership Form here

Please contact Adam Wylie, Endeavor FPN Executive Director, via email at adam@endeavorfpn.com or by calling/texting (709) 764-7546. Alternatively, please contact any of the Endeavor FPN Board Members.