Step 1: Submit Expression of Interest

Family physicians interested in participating in the Blended Capitation Program must submit an expression of interest. The intent is to capture physician names and contact information to facilitate follow-up at a later date. Please note, this form is an expression of interest only and represents an ongoing process — there is no deadline for submission.

Step 2: Meet with the Blended Capitation Model Advisory Consultant

The NLMA launched an advisory service to support physicians who wish to explore what moving to the Blended Capitation Model means for their individual practices. Services consist of a consultant with whom you can book a meeting to explore how you can use your EMR data to define your panel of patients, predict your future income, and answer any questions you may have on the Model. This information can help inform your decision on whether to move to Blended Capitation.

FPRP also offers additional follow-up appointments with Barbara, during which she can work with individual physicians to prepare a cash flow analysis for your practice, as well as map out potential locum payment scenarios. It is recommended that the BCM 60-min meeting (follow-up) session is selected if looking for assistance with cash flow analysis.

Please visit the booking website to book an appointment with the Blended Capitation Advisory Consultant (Barbara Molgaard Blake).

Step 3: Complete Practice Profile

Physicians who have submitted an expression of interest will be invited to complete a practice profile used by the Family Practice Renewal Program (FPRP) Blended Capitation Program to inform eligibility, readiness, and customized support for interested physicians. The practice profile gathers information about you and your practice that will be essential to building the support you need to be successful.

If there are follow-up questions relating to your practice profile, the FPRP Practice Facilitator (Nancy Dillon) will contact you directly.

Step 4: Eligibility Status and Income Floor Calculations

Physicians who have already completed an expression of interest and subsequently submitted their practice profile to the FPRP can expect an update on their eligibility status within a few weeks. Once eligibility is confirmed, FPRP will send an email to each eligible physician to confirm the income floor with applicants and the Department of Health and Community Services prior to issuing letters of agreement for enrollment in the new payment model. The email sent by FPRP will contain a link to an Income Floor Decision Form; please use the form to indicate your response to your calculation. You may choose to accept the calculation or request a review of your Income Floor.

If you indicate on the Income Decision Form that you would like a review of your Income Floor, you will be contacted by the Blended Capitation Advisor (Barbara Molgaard Blake) to book a session to review your request and to prepare any relevant documentation for submission for reconsideration.  A session with the Blended Capitation Advisor is mandatory prior to having any review of your Income Floor completed.

Your agreement to the income floor calculation will be required prior to issuance of a letter agreement for enrollment in the new payment model (Step 6).

Step 5: Meetings with the Practice Facilitator

Physicians may benefit from the assistance of a practice facilitator in their BCM journey. The practice facilitator will help practices identify essential BCM processes, optimize operations, improve quality, and ensure success. The practice facilitator can also help address any questions about the BCG process by connecting you with appropriate resources.

Please visit the booking website to book an appointment with the Blended Capitation Practice Facilitator (Nancy Dillon).

You can also contact Nancy to coordinate a meeting at

Step 6: Letter Agreement Review and Execution

The acceptance date into the Blended Capitation Program is the date the signed Letter Agreement and initialed Appendices A and B for each physician in a group are received by FPRP. When Blended Capitation Groups (BCGs) are issued letter agreements for review and execution, they have six months for at least three physicians within the group to submit their signed letter agreements and initialed appendices to FPRP. After six months the letter agreements will be void.

All of the initial members of a group will have the same acceptance date. Please note that an acceptance date may not be the date that a physician signed their individual  letter agreement.

Step 7: Grants and Stipends Released

Grants and stipends will be authorized for payment once all physicians within a BCG submit their signed letter agreements and appendices.

Step 8: Patient Education, Rostering Tools and Process Initiated

To ensure a seamless transition of patients into the BCM, FPRP will provide patient information and rostering resources. These tools will support groups to implement important elements of the rostering process and will ultimately support payment and after-hours calculations.

These tools will be provided to accepted groups.

Step 9: Participation in Peer-to-Peer Monthly Network (MyQ)

The FPRP MyQ Blended Capitation Program Physician Network hosts a monthly session designed for Blended Capitation Groups to connect with peers and share their experiences in a facilitated learning environment. These peer-to-peer discussions encourage participants to solve problems, share tips and practical resources. Physicians can participate by listening, sharing ideas, or seeking advice and ideas from their peers.

Information about these sessions will be sent to Blended Capitation Group physicians and posted on the website.

Step 10: Quality Improvement Practice Support

Practice facilitators and Physician Champions, as part of the FPRP MyQ program, will provide practical advice, guides, tools, and resources to support blended capitation groups. This includes bringing groups’ questions and concerns to the attention of FPRP, supporting teams to map and implement operational processes, gather performance measures, test high-impact change ideas, and supporting patient engagement and rostering processes.

Step 11: Billing System Open to Accepted Applicants

The billing system launched on April 29, 2024 and is now open to groups that have been accepted and scheduled for onboarding.

For questions, please contact Dana Howse, Program Specialist, Blended Capitation Program, at