Upon acceptance into the Blended Capitation Program, it is recommended that blended capitation groups meet with our Practice Facilitator, Nancy Dillon.
Nancy Dillon offers comprehensive support to physicians and clinic teams as they navigate the transformative journey of implementing blended capitation.
With her extensive experience in quality improvement initiatives and healthcare management, Nancy guides and empowers practices to optimize their operations, improve provider and team satisfaction, enhance patient care delivery, and achieve positive outcomes.
Nancy’s expertise has been instrumental in supporting NL family physicians through the MyQ Program, focusing on areas such as practice management, access and continuity, practice efficiency, and individualized guidance tailored to each practice’s unique context. She brings valuable tools, resources, and a wealth of experience to make a significant impact on providers and clinic teams.
Working closely with NL physicians, Nancy has supported practices to successfully implement and test panel identification and management processes, resulting in a better understanding of practice and patient needs. She has also coached and supported teams in measuring access and continuity, leading to decreased wait times and an improved patient experience.
Furthermore, Nancy facilitates processes to decrease no-show rates, engage patients, and streamline workflows. With over three decades of healthcare experience in Canada and the United States, including acute care, ambulatory care, and management roles in major hospital systems, Nancy’s expertise and passion for quality improvement and change management shine through. As a former clinic manager in a fast-paced setting, she has led projects to promote team-based care, enhance patient and family experiences, and drive operational transformations at both clinic and institutional levels.
Nancy will contact the identified BCG lead physician to coordinate a meeting. Please visit the booking webpage for meeting times.