The Family Practice Renewal Program (FPRP) began accepting applications/expressions of interest from physicians interested in enrolling in the blended capitation payment model on April 3, 2023. The FPRP encourages family physicians interested in participating in the Blended Capitation Model (BCM) program to submit an expression of interest.
Once physicians are accepted into the new model, they can apply for the one-time $10,000 Start-Up Grant and $11,250 Transition Grant. Acceptance into the program also includes access to the two-year income guarantee (income floor in the first two years based on an individual’s previous two-representative years billing average, plus a 10.9% premium payment applied in the first year.)
Physicians who have completed an expression of interest and a practice profile will receive communication confirming their eligibility to participate in the Blended Capitation Program. Once eligibility is confirmed, the FPRP will confirm income floor with applicants and the Department of Health and Community Services prior to FPRP issuing letters of agreement for enrollment in the new payment model.
As further information about the roll-out of this program becomes available, this section of the FPRP website will be updated.
Last updated April 17, 2024.