Information Webinars

Blended Capitation Information Webinar (October 23, 2024)

Information Session Objectives:

  • Hear a Blended Capitation physician share his experiences after four months in the model.
  • Learn about the benefits of participating in the program, and the supports and resources available.

Blended Capitation Information Webinar (October 23, 2024)


Blended Capitation Information Session (July 9, 2024) – Engaging Locums in your Practice

The following is a recording of the MyQ Physician Network call for Tuesday, July 9 2024 on the topic of Physician Locums and Blended Capitation. The presentations were recorded for informational purposes.

Blended Capitation Information Session (July 9, 2024) – Engaging Locums in your Practice


Blended Capitation Physician Information Session (July 5th, 2023)

Information Session Objectives:

  • Gain a clear understanding of the next steps necessary to prepare for participation in the Program.​​
  • Explore the benefits of being part of the Blended Capitation Program.​​

Please note: Since this information session was held and to ensure full program readiness, the parties to the new Blended Capitation Model (BCM) have agreed to move the start date for accepting family physicians into the model from September 1, 2023 to October 30, 2023; Schedule “R” of the MOA was amended to enable certain groups to apply for an exemption from the After-Hours obligations of the Blended Capitation Model during the transition period and the Path to Acceptance was updated.

Blended Capitation Physician Information Session (July 5th, 2023)