Pathways NL is a web-based resource designed by physicians, for physicians. It acts as an “Information Bridge” by facilitating efficient referrals and supporting optimal patient care by providing information such as:
The four regional Family Practice Networks are conducting a two-year demonstration project to rollout Pathways NL provincially, providing all family physicians, medical office assistants, and consultants in the province with a user-friendly web-based resource to facilitate the pathways of team-based care. In addition to providing the information required to facilitate efficient referrals and support optimal patient care during the referral process, project objectives include:
Pathways NL will be implemented in a two-phase approach – prior to the provincial rollout of Pathways NL later in 2024, a pilot launch will be conducted to ensure all the data elements have been captured correctly and accurately and the technology is working as intended.
For more information regarding Pathways NL, please contact the Pathways NL Administrator, Jayme Buckingham, at
Pathways was originally developed in British Columbia and is widely used in all of Divisions of Family Practice across British Columbia and is also being used in the Yukon. Based on thorough research and meetings with multiple organizations and industry experts, all four Family Practice Networks in Newfoundland and Labrador agreed that adopting the Pathways British Columbia model in our province would greatly improve and enhance the referral process and ultimately expedite patient access to consultant care. The following stakeholders were engaged in this decision-making process by the Family Practice Networks: