Reminder re Tomorrow’s Information Session:
Please see below notice from Department of Health and Community Services.
The Department of Health and Community Services has launched two new Family Practice Programs, which are intended to support new family physicians in opening or taking over an existing fee-for-service family practice by helping to alleviate financial barriers associated with these processes. The Department will be hosting a virtual information session for interested applicants on Wednesday, March 30th, 2022 at 6pm. This invitation is extended to all practicing family physicians and family medicine residents.
You can attend the session by accessing the Zoom meeting link https://nlma-nl-ca.zoom.us/j/87339481115. If you are joining by phone, please call 855-703-8985 and enter Meeting ID 873 3948 1115. The session will be recorded and available later to those who cannot attend the live session.
Please click the link for information sheets, program manual, and application form: https://www.gov.nl.ca/hcs/grantsfunding/bursaries/#med.
Applicants are required to coordinate with the regional physician recruiter for the relevant RHA to apply, and the Department encourages the submission of applications by April 15th, 2022 (note: submissions received after this date will be given consideration in the order in which they are received).
If you have any questions about these programs, please contact MedServicesPrograms@gov.nl.ca.