The Family Practice Renewal Program aims to transform family practice for better health.

The program is part of an Agreement between the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association and the Department of Health and Community Services. This agreement recognizes that improved population health and health system sustainability will require a renewed focus on primary health care reform, and on family practice reform, in particular, and that, family physicians have an important role to play in the improvement and full integration of primary care and primary health care services and supports.

Our Mission – Transforming family practice for better health.

Our Vision – Family physicians, primary health care providers, and patients working together for an effective and sustainable system.

Our Principles

  • Patient-centered services and supports
  • Collaborative interdisciplinary teams
  • Coordination of care
  • Comprehensiveness of care
  • Access to appropriate services and supports
  • Attachment and longitudinal relationships
  • Communities of practice
  • Community engagement and a local focus
  • Continuous evaluation and evidence-based decision making

There are four core initiatives:

  • Family Practice Networks (FPNs) are non-profit corporations, comprised of and led by family physicians.  Family Practice Networks (FPNs) provide mechanisms to address local physician and practice issues and ultimately aid in physician recruitment and retention.
  • The Practice Improvement Program supports evidence-based change management in a variety of target areas that support the transformation of family practice for better health. Key PIP programs include MyQ and MyPractice.
  • The Fee Code Program. Enhancements to the fee for-service schedule, through a Fee Code Initiative program, are intended to achieve patient, physician, and health system benefits such as comprehensive care, collaboration with other providers, and improvements in patient access. There are now 250+ family physicians registered to access FPRP codes for shared care, telephone, and enhanced care of patients with COPD.

The program is voluntary.

Physicians have the opportunity to participate within individual program areas of their choosing. Participation enables physicians to address some of their family practice challenges, including:

  • Fee codes to better manage increasing needs of chronic disease patients;
  • Support to collaborate and communicate with other providers and patients;
  • Formal organized physician lead groups to address common practice needs across geographic areas; and
  • Dedicated practice supports, including resources to support you with practice management and clinical needs.
  • Blended Capitation Program contributes to a health care system in which all citizens have timely access to excellent team-based primary care that provides comprehensive, continuous primary care to Attached patients. The Program will enable, promote, and support team based primary care, comprehensive family medicine, greater attachment, access to and quality of care for patients, and improved recruitment, retention, and professional satisfaction for physicians.

The Family Practice Renewal Program (FPRP) is responsible for administration of the Program, including project management, physician engagement, enrolling physician practices, entering into agreements with physician practices, and practice improvement initiatives to support successful practices.

Who We Are

Family Practice Renewal Committee

The Family Practice Renewal Program is governed by the Family Practice Renewal Committee, consisting of representatives from the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association, the Department of Health and Community Services, the four Regional Health Authorities, the NL College of Family Physicians, Memorial University Faculty of Medicine and the NL Centre for Health Information. The Committee oversees all aspects of the program, providing strategic direction and setting program priorities and goals.


  • • Dr. Lynette Powell (Co-Chair)
    • Dr. Francisco Acevedo
    • Dr. Nicola Penney

Department of Health and Community Services

  • Gillian Sweeney, ADM, Population Health and Wellness (Co-Chair)
  • Monica Bull, Sr. Manager, Primary Health Care
  • David Moore, Director, Medical Services

Regional Health Authorities

  • Dr. Gena Bugden, VP, Medical Services, Rural Sites and Primary Health Care, Eastern Health
  • Dr. Desmond Whelan, Senior Medical Director (Interim)
    Central Zone, Newfoundland Labrador Health Services
  • Labrador Grenfell Health (previously Dr. Gabe Woollam, new rep to be appointed)
  • Darla King, VP, Transformation Wellbeing, NLHS
  • Dr. Scott MacKenzie, Senior Medical Director-Western Zone
  • Gregory Manning, Senior Medical Director for NLHS Rural Eastern Zone and Labrador Zone.

Other Partner Organizations

  • Dr. Nicole Stockley, Director, External Engagement, NL College of Family Physicians
  • Dr. Fred Melindy, Program Director, eDOCSNL, NLCHI
  • Kris Aubrey-Bassler Chair, Discipline of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University

Staff – NLMA

  • Gertie-Mai Muse, Executive Director, NLMA
  • Glenda Nash, Associate Executive Director, NLMA

Staff – FPRP

  • Chad Perrin, Program Director
  • Francine Synyard, Administrative Assistant
FPN Executive Directors

Program Staff/Contacts

Chad Perrin

Program Director

Chad is responsible for providing leadership and direction in the development, implementation and evaluation of all programs, projects and initiatives of the Family Practice Renewal Program.

He has 20 years healthcare leadership experience working in health and human services in community. He is also a certified health executive, a licensed clinical social worker in Newfoundland and Labrador, and a licensed dual diagnosis specialist focusing on the co-occurrence of mental illness and intellectual disability.

Contact Chad Perrin
tel. (709) 702-6555
tf. (800) 563-2003

Ian Hodder

B. Sc. (Health Education, B. Ed., Masters, Adult Learning)
Senior Program Consultant, Family Practice Networks

Ian is the Senior Program Consultant,  responsible for the design, development, and operations support for Family Practice Networks and Collaborative Services Committees, as well as evaluation of all related programs & activities. As well, he is responsible for leadership and stakeholder engagement with physician groups.

Contact Ian Hodder
tel. (709) 702-3706
tf. (800) 563-2003

Paula Hanrahan

RN, BN, Masters, Nursing
Senior Program Consultant, Practice Improvement Program

Paula Hanrahan is a Senior Program Consultant, responsible for planning, developing, implementing and evaluating Practice Improvement Program activities. Paula takes a lead role in designing and developing evidence-based education and training and practice improvement supports across the three program streams.

Contact Paula Hanrahan
tel. (709) 702-3707
tf. (800) 563-2003

Emily Hynes

FPN Specialist

Emily is the Family Practice Network Program Coordinator responsible for coordinating and providing operational support to common initiatives and projects across each Family Practice Network (FPN) and Collaborative Services Committee (CSC). She is responsible for conducting FPN and CSC project research , logistical support, as well as FPN policy and governance training development.

Contact Emily Hynes
tel. (709) 702-6718
tf. (800) 563-2003

Melissa Sullivan

Program Manager, Blended Capitation 

Melissa Sullivan is the Program Manager for the Blended Capitation Program.  She takes a lead role in all aspects of BCM program development and delivery.   

Contact Melissa Sullivan
tel. (709) 701-1404
tf. (800) 563-2003

Marylou Walsh

B. Comm., MER, PSIC
PIP Specialist

Marylou is the Program Coordinator with the Practice Improvement Program responsible for coordinating and providing support for all Practice Improvement Program (PIP) initiatives, including providing logistical support for PIP events and acting as liaison with Family Practice Networks relating to PIP offerings. She is also responsible for conducting research, analysis, and data support for the PIP, as well as supporting other FPRP initiatives and program areas as required.

Contact Marylou Walsh
tel. (709) 702-3872
tf. (800) 563-2003

Jason Clarke

B. Comm

Program Specialist, Blended Capitation

Jason Clarke is a Program Specialist with the Blended Capitation Program.  He works with the Program Manager and FPRP Team to support development and operational needs of the Blended Capitation Program.

Contact for Jason Clarke

tel. (709) 702-6558
tf. (800) 563-2003

Dana Howse


Program Specialist, Blended Capitation

Dana Howse is the Program Specialist for the Blended Capitation Program. She works with the Program Manager on all aspects of BCM Program development and delivery, including patient engagement and program evaluation.

Contact Dana Howse

tel. (709) 701-1459
tf. (800) 563-2003

Francine Synyard

Administrative Assistant

Francine leads all program office administrative tasks, providing support to program staff, from program documentation & development, communication updates, coordinating with Newfoundland & Labrador Medical Association, Government, Regional Health Authorities, other Stakeholders for needed information, and coordinating meetings for the Family Practice Renewal Committee, related sub-committees, and Collaborative Service Committees.

Contact Francine Synyard
tel. (709) 702-6695
tf. (800) 563-2003


An FPRP Physician Survey was completed in early 2021 and was conducted by FPRP in collaboration with the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information. The purpose of the survey was to gather feedback from family physicians within our province to help shape and improve FPRP and its associated programs, as well as to inform planning processes. You can access survey results by clicking here


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