2022 NL College of Family Physicians – Family Medicine Conference

October 21, 2022
3:00 pm1:30 pm

2 days

NL CFP Family Medicine Conference
Marble Mountain Lodge / Humber Valley Resort
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, October 21-23

Celebration of Family Medicine
Marble Mountain Lodge
Friday, October 21 – Cocktails 6:00pm, Dinner 7:00pm
Co-sponsored by Family Practice Renewal Program

NL College of Family Physicians – Annual Members Meeting
Humber Valley Resort Saturday, October 22, 1:00pm

Family Docs Rock the Rock – Karaoke Night
Bishops Tavern, Marble Mountain Saturday, October 22 – Dinner 6:00pm

Registration Form – https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejbandvr8fabf12a&oseq=&c=&ch=

Full Program Details – https://nl.cfpc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/2022-FMC-Prog.pdf