The FPRC Policy on the Blended Capitation Group Model was last updated on May 13, 2024.
The FPRC Policy on the Blended Capitation Group Model outlines FPRC’s policy and procedures for the Blended Capitation Model which is the payment model for medical practitioners licensed to practice family medicine in Newfoundland and Labrador that provides a capitation payment for providing a “Basket of Services” to each attached patient, and a partial fee-for-service payment for each service provided within the MCP Medical Payment Schedule to an attached patient (the “Model”). The “Basket of Services” means the set of core Insured services provided by participating physicians for attached patients and reflects the typical activities of a family physician (non-specialized) in an office-based setting. The Basket of Services is set out in Appendix B to Schedule R of the Memorandum of Agreement.
These policies and procedures comply with Schedule R to the Memorandum of Agreement. FPRC may accordingly introduce new policies from time to time. This policy document is designed to help you learn more about the Model. This policy document should be retained for reference. All rights and obligations are determined in accordance with the MOA, not this policy.